Friday, January 11, 2008

PETA -- People Enjoying Their Attention -- Eat a bucket of beaks for Lindsey Rajt

Ever pay attention to the people of PETA? Sure there are some celebs. Most are of the messed up, attention seeking kind. Just like their rank and file. The latest is Lindsey Rajt, a self professed 25 year old vegan whose myspace page says that Lindsay Loathes KFC. This sad individual who obviously joined PETA so she could call attention to herself, was busy highlighting a headstone that PETA had placed in Cave Hill Cemetary near Colonel Sanders' grave. No doubt she or a cohort called the news to get the cameras there before she started.

In laborious tones, she looks at the Wave 3 reporter with the seriousness that only a 25 year old girl whose listened to too much Tori Amos can muster. She angles her head slightly to let you know that you shouldn't find the fact that she's painting a fake headstone sad and says, "It's a monument to the nearly 1,000,000,000 chickens who are tortured and killed for KFC restaurants every year."

PETA is not a constructive organization, nor do they add anything to the plight of animals. Honestly, (with apologies to A. Whitney Brown), I think that these people don't love animals as much as they hate plants. I'm thinking that when they eat a salad, they're thinking, "Take that you worthless piece of spinach!" Isn't there something that all of these people could do with their time and money? Like adopting stray animals, running spay and neuter clinics, or researching what really went into KFC's Chicken Littles.

Grow up Lindsey. If you don't want to eat chicken, don't. If you want to call attention to your cause, do it like an adult, not with some You Tube worthy prank.

In the meantime, bring on the nuggets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that the headstone was enough to get your attention--and to bring the subject of PETA's boycott of KFC onto your blog. As you may know, PETA is only asking KFC to implement the scientific advice of its own animal welfare advisors, five of whom have resigned out of frustration with the company's lack of progress. Details on what PETA is asking KFC to improve can be found at, but in short, the changes we're calling for will prevent chickens from having their throats cut open while they're still conscious, from being drugged and bred to grow so top heavy they can hardly walk, and will prevent millions of birds from being scalded alive in tanks of hot water every year. KFC has said these changes would cost them an estimated two cents per meal.

I hope you'll check out and reconsider this subject after watching the video there.

Lindsay Rajt
Factory Farming Campaigns, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals